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Adrienne Ding

How to Pay Off Student Loans Members Public

Here are 6 strategies to help you pay off your student loans faster.

Adrienne Ding
Adrienne Ding
Personal Finance

Why are High-Yield Savings Account Rates Dropping? Members Public

Find out why your high-yield savings account rate has been in steady decline since last year and what you can do about it.

Adrienne Ding
Adrienne Ding
Personal Finance

A Guide: How to Gift Stocks Members Public

Stocks are the gift that keeps on giving. Unlike gifts that are left in a corner and forgotten, stocks will retain their value and pay your loved one dividends for years to come. Use this guide to determine which method you should use to buy and gift stocks.

Adrienne Ding
Adrienne Ding
Personal Finance

Simple vs. Compound Interest Members Public

Understanding the key differences between simple and compound interest could potentially help you make some significant changes in your investment strategy. Or, if you don't have one yet, this would be a great place to start.

Adrienne Ding
Adrienne Ding
Personal Finance

How to Budget for Your Pet Members Public

We all want to keep our pets happy and healthy, but caring for them can be costly and unpredictable. Here is a guide to help you budget for your furry companion, whether you are already a pet parent or soon to be one.

Adrienne Ding
Adrienne Ding
Personal Finance

How to Use Lighting to Create a Cozy and Inviting Living Room Members Public

Curating the perfect combination of lighting can do wonders for your living space. Use this guide to help you select the perfect lighting to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for your living room.

Adrienne Ding
Adrienne Ding

Confessions of a Shopaholic: Impulse Buying Members Public

For every online retail shop, encouraging customers to buy on impulse is a tried and true practice. Use these six concrete tips to help you combat those urges and save more.

Adrienne Ding
Adrienne Ding
Personal Finance