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Hannah Erling

How to Furnish Your Home Sustainably: 3 Budgets Members Public

Need to spice up your living space? Try these sustainable options to give new life to your home while staying sustainable and affordable.

Hannah Erling
Hannah Erling

CDC Halt Evictions Through the End of 2020 Members Public

This past Tuesday, the CDC has declared a ban on evictions for tenants who have been impacted by COVID-19, effective until the end of 2020. As a measure to avoid potential further spread of coronavirus, they deemed it unsafe for tenants to be evicted and forced into homelessness or other

Hannah Erling
Hannah Erling
Current Events

The Rise of Rural Housing in the Wave of Coronavirus Members Public

Amidst the current pandemic, there has been an increasing demand for housing in rural areas. Many cite that city living is no longer worth the price tag.

Hannah Erling
Hannah Erling
Real Estate News

Can a Landlord Break a Lease to Move In or Sell the Property? Members Public

Finding the perfect rental space can be a challenge, and it can be difficult to make an unexpected farewell. Here's what to do if your landlord breaks the news that they need to sell/move in to the property.

Hannah Erling
Hannah Erling
Property Management